제목   |  Google online maps embark on Arctic adventure 작성일   |  2012-08-24 조회수   |  6226

Google set out Wednesday to take users of its free online mapping service on an Arctic adventure with help from an Inuit community in the Canadian tundra.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper joined the effort as the Internet titan's Street View team arrived in the hamlet of Cambridge Bay in the Northwest Passage for one of its most remote projects to date.

"The goal of this project is to share with a global online audience the beauty of Canada's Arctic and the culture of the Inuit people who live there,"  said a Google team member.

Google spent 11 months planning the mapping endeavor with Nunavut political leaders and elders in Cambridge Bay in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

"People are always asking how we live; how we survive," Cambridge Bay elder Anna Nahogaloak said in a Kitikmeot Heritage Society interview.

"They're always asking about everything," she continued. "This will help them understand and learn more about Nunavut."

Nunavut is Canada's northernmost territory and was officially separated from the Northwest Territory in 1999.

Nahogaloak recalled being 10 years old when her family traveled by dog sled from Brownside River in 1958 to Cambridge Bay, where they built a cabin and became part of the small community that has grown to about 1,600 residents.

She recounted how many of the dogs starved along the way because game was scarce.

The Street View project began with a "Mapup" at which a dozen residents worked on Chromebook laptops to enhance a Cambridge Bay map with local knowledge -- from roads and rivers to the curling club and a stone church.

"It is important for the Inuit people to contribute to the maps,"

Nahogaloak said. "The land is everybody's land. We all share it."

Google map software supports the local Inuktitut language.

Cambridge Bay teenagers Mia Otokiak, Siobhan Bligh, and Kean Niptanatiak were among the dozen residents who gathered at Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) to add local knowledge to the Cambridge Bay online map.

Map enhancements included a game hall complete with foosball table and an ice hockey arena that relies on nature to freeze water for the rink.

"I think I'm going to gloat about it," 16-year-old Otokiak said of fine-tuning a Google Map to be seen by people around the world.

Harper and his wife stopped in to learn about Google software tools being used to craft maps in the way that Wikipedia harnessed knowledge for an online encyclopedia.

"The community accepted Google with open arms," said NTI coordinator Christopher Kalluk, who sold Google on the project last year.

"They are visitors in our home and we want to show them a good time," he continued. "That is how we will be feeling with the world viewing Cambridge Bay with Street View as well."

Google donated 10 Chromebooks to the effort and is lending NTI special 360-degree picture camera gear "indefinitely," according to Google Maps team leader Karin Tuxen-Bettman.

NTI administers land claims for the people of Nunavut.

"I feel the (people of Nunavut) will benefit with Street View because they will be able to show their communities off to people around the world," Kalluk said. "It gives them more pride and passion for where they live."

A Street View trike equipped with camera and satellite positioning gear will be pedaled through the town to the nearby tundra on Thursday and Friday.

Google will not be leaving the trike behind because it wants to deploy it in other Nunavut hamlets next year.

"It is about providing all the tools to perfect that map and then letting the community do it itself," Tuxen-Bettman said.

"Weather and the remoteness are the biggest challenges."

Street View teams have cycled, driven and walked through cities and towns around the globe capturing images to add to online maps, letting people see what it might be like to stand at a spot they are curious about. (AFP)

<한글 기사>

내 방에 앉아 ‘북극 탐험’ 가능해 진다

구글이 위치정보서비스 프로그램인  `스트리트뷰(Street View)'에 에스키모로 불리는 이누잇(Inuit) 사람들이 살고 있는 북 극 지역을 추가하기 위한 작업을 시작했다.

캐나다 북부 누나부트주(Nunavut)의 아주 작은 마을인 캠브리지 베이에 도착한 구글 스트리트뷰 팀 관계자는 "이 프로젝트의 목표는 전 세계 온라인 이용자들에게 캐나다 북극의 아름다움과 그곳에 사는 이누잇의 문화를 공유하기 위한 것"이라고 말했다.

구글 팀은 지난 11개월 동안 누나부트 정치 지도자들과 캠브리지 베이의 원로들 의 도움으로 툰드라 지역인 이곳을 지도에 담기 위한 계획을 마련하는 데 보냈다.

누나부트는 이 지역에서 살아온 이누잇들에 의해 자치적으로 통치되는데 개썰매 이글루 등으로 유명한 곳이다.

캠브리지 베이의 원로 아나 나호갈로크는 "바깥사람들은 모두 우리가 어떻게 살 고 있고, 어떻게 생존해왔는지를 묻는다"며 "스트리트뷰가 그들이 누나부트를 더 잘 알고 배우는 데 도움이 될 것"이라고 말했다.

10대에서 원로에 이르기까지 현지 이누잇들이 구글 지도를 위해 도로, 강, 마을 냉동고, 돌 교회 등 지역사회의 많은 지리정보를 제공했다.

이제 360도 파라마운트 영상을 촬영할 수 있는 스트리트뷰 차량이 마을들을 돌며 촬영에 나설 예정이다.

나호갈로크는 "이누잇 사람들이 이 지도에 기여하는 게 중요하다고 생각한다"며 "이 땅은 모두의 땅이고 우리는 이 땅을 공유할 것"이라고 말했다.

구글 스트리트뷰 서비스는 이누잇 언어도 지원할 예정이다.


- 코리아헤럴드 8월 24일 字 기사
