제목   |  [Health] Why Use a Standing Desk and the Immediate Benefits 작성일   |  2015-04-17 조회수   |  4283

Why Use aStanding Desk and the Immediate Benefits 


Standingdesks aren’t exactly a fad or a quirk of some of the moreopen-minded office workers: They address the very real health concern ofsitting too much. It seems that the human body prefers more standing-orientedactivities. Put it in a chair at a desk for multiple hours every day, and thenegative effects can become extreme.

Part of thisis a result of inaction, and part of the problem seems to be the shape thehuman body is wedged in when sitting in a chair. It creates serious, harmfuleffects on metabolic functions, cardiovascular health, blood sugar levels,cholesterol, weight gain, and increases the risk of some very serious diseases.

Thus entersthe standing or stand up desk, which lets you work at a desk while on yourfeet. There are some very advanced models out there these days, but they allshare similar advantages. Here are some of the immediate (and important)benefits.

Healthier Metabolism (and Reduced Risk of Diabetes)

Something unfortunate happenswhen you sit at a desk without moving for long periods: Your body stops burningcalories. It doesn’t just burn fewer calories because you’re not moving, itappears to enter a different state entirely. Studies have found that sittingfor long periods of time can inhibit your body’s control of blood sugarlevels, changing how responsive your body becomes to glucose.

The mostdangerous result of this is, of course, type 2 diabetes, a known result ofmetabolic syndrome. This has been particularly noted among those already atrisk for developing diabetes. So a standing desk can not only help you maintaina healthy, consistent metabolism, it can also help you avoid serious, long-termconditions like diabetes in the future. 

Burning Calories

Those burned calories fromstanding can do more than just maintain glucose levels. It may not seem like abig difference, but your body actually needs significantly more energy tomaintain balance when standing. Additionally, standing encourages smallmovements like shifting your weight, tapping your feet, and – if you are reallyinto your music – bobbing to a tune. Your muscles are always active. This addsup, and it adds up to a lot. Studies have shown that people who stand and movearound at work can shrug off as much as 1,000 extra calories per day, notgaining any extra weight.

That’s right,another of the big standing desk benefits is the ability to stave offobesity and maybe even lose a few pounds.

A Healthier Heart

The cardiovascular systemisn’t a fan of sitting, either. The exact cause isn’t certain, but sittingseems to affect the way that blood flows through your body, and not in a waythat your heart appreciates. Studies have shown that sitting for extendedperiods can increase the chance of cardiovascular disease events like angina orheart attacks by around 125%. That’s enough to make anyone nervous, and hascertainly inspired the current wave of modern, electrical standing desksgrowing more common in offices around the world.


Less Chance of Cancer

At firstglance it may seem unlikely that cancer has anything to do with sitting orstanding. But here’s the thing: Some cancers seem to be linked to physicalactivity, and risk can increase with long periods of inaction. Breast and coloncancer are both notably influenced by physical activity. However, lung cancer,prostate cancer, endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer could all be influencedby long-term sitting. The benefits of a standing desk, then, include loweringthe risk of getting cancer. 

A Longer Life

Yes, you cansee where this is going. With increasing the risk of all these dangerous or fatalconditions, sitting appears to significantly decrease the lifespan. Long-termsitting in front of a screen may increase the risk of death from any cause byas much as 50 percent. Standing up while you work may, in fact, help you livelonger.


Companies have also found thatstanding desks seem to increase productivity, which is why big corporationslike FF Venture Capital, Google, Facebook and others have started includingmore stand up desks in their work areas. It may boost productivity by more than10%.


Sidenote:Preventing Injuries

While sitting does seem to bea train wreck where your health is concerned, standing isn’t exactly a panacea.There are studies that show it holds dangers of its own, including increaseddemands on your circulatory system andankle/foot problems from, well, all that standing. You can help prevent some ofthese issues by switching between sitting and standing (if you can change yourstanding desk height). A comfortable mat to stand on can also make a bigdifference – and you may want to switch to some more comfortable shoes.


ArticleSource: http://www.gadgetreview.com/2015/01/why-use-a-standing-desk-and-the-immediate-benefits

ImageSource: http://www.gfi.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/standing-desk.jpg




1. Fad (n.) ~ an intense but short-lived fashion  

2. Quirk (n.) ~ an individual peculiarity of character  

3. Inhibit (n.) ~ to hold back or restrain  

4. Stave off (phrasal verb) ~ to keep or hold off 

5. Fatal (adj.) ~ causing or capable of causing death  

6. Panacea (n.) ~ a remedy for all disease 



1. According to the article, what are the serious sideeffects of sitting for a long time?  

2. Do you usually sit  all day in the office? Haveyou experienced any of the problems mentioned? Which one/s?  

3. What are the benefits of using the standing desk thatare mentioned in the article?  

4. Would you like to start using the standing desk? Why?  


