제목   |  [Career] 17 mistakes everyone should make before they turn 30 작성일   |  2015-05-26 조회수   |  3617


17 mistakes everyoneshould make before they turn 30




Everyone makes mistakes. But no matter how much humiliation, pain,or sadness they may cause, every misstep helps us learn and grow and ultimatelybe better people.

In fact, some mistakesare even necessary for your future success — and you should try to make themwhile you're still young.

"There is a lot oftalk about how kids aren't being 'allowed' to make mistakes, and this ishurting them in the long run because they aren't building the skills necessaryto deal with change and be resilient," says Michael Kerr, author of"The Humor Advantage: Why Some Businesses Are Laughing All the Way to theBank."

"If they don'tlearn that failure is part of growing early on, then they may be less equippedto deal with failure later on in life," Kerr says.

Here are some necessarymistakes everyone should make before turning 30:

1. Bomb a bigpresentation. 

"Even polished,professional speakers and public figures lay an egg now and then, and it'san important lesson to learn early: It happens, and you'll survive," saysKerr. "And you'll realize it's not the end of the world, and you'll learna ton about what not to do and what to do next time."

2. Date the wrongperson.

Whether it's the"rebound" person or just a bad choice, most everyone's done it.Discovering what you don't want early on will help you make better choices withall your important relationships, says Kerr. "It'll help you learn thingsabout your own values and life goals that perhaps you weren't awareof." 

3. Stick with a terriblejob.

Even ifthe boss is horrible and the pay is bad, don't justgive up and jump ship. Stick around for a while and try to find asolution — even if it seems like a terrible move at the time. "The way youhandle yourself in this situation will forever shape the way you treat peoplewhen you're in charge," says Ryan Kahn, a career coach, founder ofThe Hired Group, and author of "Hired! The Guide for the Recent Grad."

4. Feel entitled, at least once.

"Assuming you weregoing to get that promotion or be assigned an important project or made teamleader are all mistakes you should make at least once," says Kerr."Learning from these types of mistakes will remind you to not take thingsfor granted and to never sit back and assume something will be handed toyou."

5. Hit rock bottom.

Before the wildlysuccessful "Harry Potter" series came to life, J.K. Rowling was asingle mom in her 30s on welfare, with no job, no money, and a child toraise on her own. 

In a 2008 commencementspeech at Harvard University, Rowling discussed how hitting rock bottom forcedher to finish the first Harry Potter book. She says:

"I've often metpeople who are terrified — you know, in a straitjacket of their own making —because they'd rather do anything than fail. They don't want to try for fear offailing," she says. "[Hitting] rock bottom wasn't fun at all — I'mnot romanticizing rock bottom — but it was liberating. What did I have tolose?" 

6. Get fired.

If you're ever going toget fired, doing it in your 20s is the way to go, says Kerr. "Gettingfired early on can be a brutally tough life experience, but it can serve as ahuge wake-up call for change if there was a performance issue."

It may even serve noticethat you were on the wrong career path — and better to learn that in your 20sthan in your 40s.

"Being fired orlaid off also teaches you the most valuable life lesson: That ultimately youneed to take 100% control of your own destiny and develop the skills necessaryto always have a viable back-up plan and take responsibility for yourown life," he says.

7. Change jobs three times.

Sure, it won't lookgreat on your résumé — but by trying out different career paths you'll gaininsight into what your true calling is, says Kahn.

8. Take the wrong jobfor the wrong reasons. 

It might be because ofthe money it may be because you felt this was the only option at the time. Butlearning this lesson early will help you define your values and set you up fora more fulfilling career in the long run, Kerr explains.

9. Say whatever's onyour mind without any regard for anyone else's feelings.

This is part of growingup and navigating relationships, both personal and professional. "Makingthe mistake of deeply offending someone can serve as a wake-up call to be more empatheticaround others and help you develop better communication skills," saysKerr. 

10. Burn bridges.

Obviously you don't wantto do this frequently, but making the mistake of burning a bridge once or twicecan actually be beneficial.

"It's sometimes morechallenging to see the long-term consequences of our actions when we areyounger, and burning bridges can come back to haunt us in substantialways," Kerr says. "Learning to walk away from a difficult situationon a positive note with your head held high is an important lesson to carrywith you throughout your life."

11. Go out with your friends, even though you have work to do.

"You'll always findways to get that particular work project done, but you'll never find ways toretake that particular moment with friends," Kahn explains.

12. Offend someone withyour humor.

This may not seem like ahuge deal, says Kerr, "but navigating the minefield of appropriate humorin a business setting can be a challenge for people starting out in theircareers, in extreme cases even costing them their jobs." Figuring outwhere those lines are and that everyone has different tastes and perceptionsare a critically important skill to learn early. 

13. Risk everything.

Risking everything foran uncertain career or romantic relationship might seem like a huge mistake tomost people, but everyone should do it once early in their life. It can pay off. And if itdoesn't, you will at least learn something from the experience, so it won't bea total loss.

14. Be passive.

"It's natural,especially when you're young, to sometimes sit back and want to please everyonein the hopes of making sure everyone gets along," says Kerr. "Butbeing too passive and not learning to ask for what you want can lead to missedopportunities — and the earlier you learn that lesson, the better." 

15. Think you have all the right answers.

This is a mistake you'llmake over and over again your whole life. Each time, you'll be one step closerto realizing you're not alwaysright — so it's best to start thinking this as early as possible. 

16. Blame someone foryour mistakes.

You should blameyourself or someone else at least once. It will help you realize this isn'tproductive. 

"When somethinggoes wrong, instead of looking for who to point the finger at, look for waysyou can create solutions," says Kahn.

17. Think mistakes arealways a bad thing or a personal reflection on you.

"Mistakes arelife's feedback — they are research they are part of your education they arenecessary stepping stones if you are actually putting yourself out there andgrowing," Kerr says. "If you aren't ever making any mistakes, thenchances are you aren't taking any risks or trying anything new, and as you getolder that may end up being the costliest mistake of all." 

Article Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/mistakes-to-make-before-you-turn-30-2015-5

ImageSource: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRyIkfRbnbwUZIzfkfucyr2UJq00XH4oYnsTb9DJakNv5ugw0Lq



1. Resilient (adj.) ~ ableto withstand and recover quickly from difficult conditions  

2. Bomb (v./ informal) ~fail miserably 

3. Jump ship (idiom) ~ toleave any post or position, esp. when there is difficulty with the job 

4. Entitled (adj.) ~believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges  

5. Hit rock bottom (idiom) ~to be in the worst possible situation  

6. Viable (adj.) ~ capableof working successfully 

7. Empathetic (adj.) ~ beingable to identify with others feelings and thoughts 

8. Burn bridges (idiom) ~to act unpleasantly in a situation that you are leaving, ensuring that you’llnever be welcome to return   


1.Why do you think that mistakes is often discouraged by parents?

2. How can mistakes affect the growth anddevelopment of a person?

3. Which of the mistakes mentioned above have youincurred and how did you cope?

4. Do you agree that making mistakes is necessary inlife? Discuss your answer.
