제목   |  [Money & Relationship] 4 Reasons Why Money Really Isn’t Everything 작성일   |  2016-05-18 조회수   |  3947

4 Reasons Why Money Really Isn’t Everything 





Don’t get me wrong, money is undeniably an important aspect in our lives, but is it really worth putting it on a pedestal and letting everything else come second? If you’re someone that seems to always be putting money first, we are going to show you 4 reasons why money really isn’t everything.

1. Money Has Its Limits
This is probably the most scientific and well-thought out reason out there. Yes, contrary to how we always feel like we need more, money does have its limit. There will come a point in your life where money just stops giving you the happiness you expect it to.

Let me get a little clear here. Plenty of research has been conducted to prove the theory of a “hedonic treadmill”, which is basically just human beings going back to feeling comfortable despite a positive or negative change that occurs in their life.
In this case, regardless of how much extra cash you earn, even though it might make you happy during the first few months, you will always fall back into the same sense of comfort that you were bored of in the first place. This ability to “climatise” according to how much money you have is always going to get you addicted to wanting more.

2. Your Health Is More Important
It always starts with the sniffles in the morning, and you don’t think much about it. Then you start to have a headache on the way to work, and by the time it’s 2pm you realise you’re having a full blown fever. But you’re still stubbornly seated on your desk, refusing to go to the doctor because, “it’s very expensive”. I know, I’ve been there.

Skimping on my health all in the name of saving money - we’re all guilty of it. But we need to realise that our health and our bodies, above all need the most taking care of, regardless of the price that comes with it because we’re only ever going to have one body.

If we don’t take care of it, or let it heal (even if it’s “just” a fever), we’re going to end up damaging ourselves in worse ways in years to come. If you don't believe in a work-life balance, then maybe these 5 reasons why you need a better work-life balance might change your mind.

3. Experiences Are More Valuable
Okay, so you’ve saved up all of this money, which is great! But what are you going to do with it? Spend it on the latest iPhone? Or buy a new car? Or maybe you’re planning to just keep it locked up in the bank, untouched.

If you think about it, keeping the money in there isn’t going to do anything to improve your quality of life - unless of course, you're actually investing your money and making it work for you. But if you're not investing and the money is just sitting there, you could think of using some of that money to “buy” experiences. I’ve always believed that travelling is the best way to spend your money because the kind of life experience that you acquire when you’re in a foreign country is simply priceless.

Instead of looking at money as a commodity that makes you happy, use it as a medium to search for happiness in things that money can’t buy instead.

If you're looking for ideas of places to visit, take a look at our travel guides to find the must-go travel destinations for Singaporeans.

4. Relationships in Life Matter More
Yes, I know you’ve probably heard this a hundred times before, but I’m going to tell you again. Money isn’t everything because there are people in your life that matter more. The only thing that you have between you and the people in your life is your relationship with them. Some people in their pursuit to be the richest, end up burning bridges just to climb on top (aka job promotion).

Sometimes when you have tunnel vision and all you see is money, it’s hard to remind yourself that intangible things like a good time with your friends and family, sometimes are the only things you need to feel “rich”. There are many ways that money can ruin a relationship, but if you can remind yourself that there’s more to life than the paper chase, don’t you think that life will have a lot more meaning to it? 


Article Source: https://get.com/sg/blog/4-reasons-money-really-isnt-everything/
Image Source: https://get.com/media/uploads/shutterstock_121521157-1548653419.jpg 


1. Full-blown (adj.) ~ fully developed
2. Skimp on (idiom) ~ to use too little of something to save something by using less of it than needed for something
3. Burning bridge (idiom) ~ to destroy one's path, connections, reputation, opportunities, etc., particularly intentionally
4. Intangible (adj.) ~ unable to be touched or grasped not having physical presence 


1. How important is money in your everyday life?
2. Do you agree that money has limits? Discuss your answer.
3. What is your opinion on burning bridges on the way to the top? Explain your opinion.
4. In what way/s does money make you happy?
