제목   |  [Lifestyle] 20 Simple Ways to Say 작성일   |  2017-01-23 조회수   |  2332

20 Simple Ways to Say "I Love You" Without Saying A Word 





Do you remember the first time you realized you loved someone? If you were like me, you got that intense urge to tell them just how you felt, but you also hesitated to say it because you knew just how much it meant.

Not to mention, what if they didn't feel the same way about you? But, once you told them and they reciprocated the feeling, you were on cloud nine!

Saying "I love you" is a small phrase that lets a person know you care about them, but as the saying goes, "actions speak louder than words."

The Huffington Post asked readers what kinds of small things their partners do regularly just to show how much they care and they had some pretty amazing responses!

Here are 20 ways we can let our partners know just how much they mean to us without having to say a word:

1. "My fiancé keeps a hair tie in his pocket because he started noticing I always forget! Whenever he sees one, he always sticks it in his pocket for later when I inevitably forget to bring one when we go out." —Leah W.

2. "He helps out with things my parents need done." — Rima B.

3. "Every morning before he goes to work, he loads the dishwasher and puts away the toys so when we wake up, we have a nice clean house to start the day with." — Sarah B.

4. "He warms my side of the bed for me before I come to bed." — Cathrine L.

5. "After a long day, we relax in our living room and watch a little TV. He sits on the couch and I lay down. He reaches for my foot and begins to rub. Next is the other foot. I don't ask, he just does it. I would say that's love." — Deby H.

6. "I have night terrors and PTSD and he stays up so I can fall asleep first so I know I'm safe." — Taye S.

7. "He makes me dinner every night. 12 years strong." — Katy A.

8. "He lets me sleep in and brings me bacon sandwiches in bed when I've been out till 6 a.m. on a girls night out." — Ze N.

9. "My husband died suddenly when he was 48. What I miss the most about him was when he made me coffee, he heated the cup first so it didn't cool off quickly because he knew how much I love hot, hot coffee." — Jacque C.

10. "He kisses me goodbye and then I see him eyeing my tires to make sure they're filled with air." —Clarees E.

11. "I love Snickers and salted caramel. Whenever he goes to the market, he always comes back with either a Snickers or salted caramel snack. Doesn't matter what day or occasion, I know whenever he looks at a Snickers he thinks of me and gets me one just to see me smile." — Laura C.

12. "He doesn't allow company over on 'Grey's Anatomy' nights because that's my favorite show." —Crystal L.

13. "He takes allergy medication as part of his morning routine. I've recently started suffering from allergies but I'm way too forgetful to include in my routine, so every time he takes his pill after breakfast, he brings an extra upstairs to me as I put on my makeup. It's silly but it warms my heart every single time."— Renee C.

14. "He carries band-aids if we go out on the town because he knows my shoes will start to chafe!" —Ashleigh M.

15. "My fiancé has to get up pretty early to get ready for work but he makes a point to wake up 15 to 20 minutes earlier than he needs to so he can get back into bed and cuddle with me before he leaves for the day. He does this every morning even if I don't wake up to realize it." — Heather M.

16. "If my fiancé can tell that I'm upset by something I don't want to talk about, he makes me food, cuddles me on the couch and watches stupid shows and documentaries with me until I finally talk to him about what's bothering me." — Rebekkah A.

17. "He takes the bus so I can go to work by car." — Audrey B.

18. "He has texted me every day at 4 pm since the day we met. It's always something sweet just to brighten my day." — Terri H.

19. "He runs errands after work, like picking up my prescriptions, so I can come right home and not worry about it." — Ali E.

20. "My husband Nick cleans the hair out of the shower drain for me because it makes me gag." — Mahina H. 


Article Source: http://www.higherperspectives.com/say-i-love-you-2121293351.html?page=1
Image Source: https://media.360nobs.site.com.ng/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Cupid-page.jpg 


1. reciprocated (v.) (past tense) - respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one.
2. on cloud nine (idiom) - extremely happy.
3. actions speak louder than words (idiom) - what someone actually does means more than what they say they will do.
4. inevitably (adv.) - as is certain to happen unavoidably.
5. PTSD (n.) (short for post-traumatic stress disorder)
- a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock, typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid recall of the experience, with dulled responses to others and to the outside world.
6. chafe (n.) - wear or damage caused by rubbing.
7. cuddle (v.) - hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection.
8. errand (n.) - a short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something, often on someone else's behalf.
9. gag (v.) - choke or retch. 


1.  Do you say the words I LOVE YOU?
If yes: To whom? When?
If not: proceed to number 2.
2. Are you more of the “action-speaks-louder-than-words” kind of person? 
3. How do you show your love for another person? Give an example.
4. How does your partner show how much you mean to him/her?
