제목   |  [Parenting] 29 Compliments Your Kids Need to Hear From You 작성일   |  2017-01-26 조회수   |  2514

29 Compliments Your Kids Need to Hear From You 





Among the growing list of things that your kids need from you every day, both physically and emotionally, is to feel loved, valued, and special. Even though some parents are always oozing with compliments for their kiddos while others are worrying that they're praising their kids too much, children need to hear more from mom and dad than just, "I love you." When parents praise their children for a variety of specific attributes instead of just telling them that they're the best, it's incredible to see how these empowering words blossom within their kiddos. Check out these 29 important compliments for kids.


1. I've noticed how hard you've been trying.
2. You're incredibly thoughtful.
3. Your practice is really paying off.
4. You make me proud everyday.
5. You inspire me.
6. You're passionate.
7. I can trust you with my secrets.
8. You're a great teammate.
9. Your hard work makes your teachers proud.
10. You're a great role model.
11. You make me want to be the best person I can be.
12. Your creativity is truly special.
13. You amaze me.
14. Your effort hasn't gone unnoticed and I appreciate it.
15. Thank you for teaching me something new.
16. I'm lucky to have such a kind child.
17. I respect your honesty.
18. I value your ideas.
19. You're a great listener.
20. You're unique.
21. You make people around you smile.
22. You're not afraid to dream big.
23. Your willingness to try is admirable.
24. You bring so much joy to our family.
25. You glow when you smile.
26. Your friendship is appreciated.
27. You're such a blessing.
28. I admire you just the way you are.
29. You make every day better. 


Article Source: http://www.popsugar.com/moms/Compliments-Kids-42978410
Image Source: https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/To7tDn2j8S_EQVZUAbsVQVRv8c8/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2017/01/10/790/n/24155406/eec055eaafdece5f_29002846796_3557cb3954_o.jpg 


1. Ooze (v.) ~ to progress slowly but steadily
2. Compliment (n.) ~ a polite expression of praise or admiration
3. Attribute (n.) ~ a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something
4. Blossom (v.) ~ to develop flourish 


1. Why is it important to compliment kids? How does being complimented affect them?
2. What was the best compliment you received when you were young?
3. Do you think that adults should also be complimented? Discuss your answer.
