제목   |  [Lifestyle] How to Feng Shui your Home: 10 Top Tips for Attracting Positive Energy in 2018 작성일   |  2018-01-18 조회수   |  2658

How to Feng Shui your Home: 10 Top Tips for Attracting Positive Energy in 2018 





Looking to freshen up your home for the new year? Want to attract some positive energy? Feng shui is studying the flow and movement of energy within a space, and purposefully guiding it to offer the greatest benefit to the occupants.

Its principles maintain that we live in harmony with our environment. Its aim is to achieve balance in your living and working space and maximise your potential for success in all areas of your life. Literally translated feng shui means “wind water”. Wind scatters energy and water holds energy.

Homes are a reflection of their occupants. If any part is missing, neglected or has negative energy then this is reflected in the life of its occupant.

Top tips:

1. The front door should be in perfect condition as it represents wealth. To draw the energy to your front door place a beautiful plant and light either side of the door.

2. The hall represents opportunities, therefore, ensure it’s kept clutter free so that the energy can circulate place coats and shoes inside a closed cupboard so they don’t stagnate the energy. To activate the beneficial qi (a positive or negative lifeforce, pronounced “chee”) in the hall, place a beautiful mirror and fresh flowers. Fresh flowers instantly uplift the energy of a space.

3. The kitchen is a vital space as its energy represents nourishment and relationship harmony for the occupants. Ensure that you don’t place the sink and cooker opposite each other as that can lead to arguments between couples, as it creates a water and fire crash. The colours in the kitchen are also an important consideration – avoid too much black and red as that also causes a fire and water crash.

4. The position of the cooker is important for the nourishment of the occupants – ensure it is not positioned under a window or directly opposite the kitchen or front door.

5. Ensure that furniture for the living room is in proportion to the space. Do not block any doors with furniture, and position the main sofa against a wall to provide the occupants with support. To activate wealth energy place a lamp in the corner of the room (diagonally opposite the room door).

6. The dining room or table is an important consideration in feng shui as it provides a space where you can concentrate mindfully on what you are eating. In feng shui we consider the dining space to relate with the spleen which relates to the element Earth, which in traditional Chinese medicine is concerned with digestion. To optimise the energy in this space place a mirror on the wall to reflect the dining table and place fresh flowers on the table.

7. To encourage a restful sleep the bedrooms must be a light neutral colour and the beds must have a headboard and be positioned with the headboard against a solid wall. Ideally, the bed must not be in line with the bedroom door. Place bedside tables either side of the bed to provide support. Place curvy lamps and lightly fragranced candles on the bedside table to introduce some romantic energy.

8. The bathroom must always be kept clean with the door closed and toilet lid down. This is the area where wealth may get drained (depending on calculations) so introduce some plants in here, as plants soak in water which slows the flow of wealth draining away.

9. The front garden represents your future so ensure it is always well kept. Tend to your flowers and plants and always keep it tidy.

10. The back garden represents both health and wealth for the occupants so ensure it is always kept in good condition. The boundaries/fences/wall must always be well maintained to provide support to the occupants.

Article Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/design/feng-shui-home-how-to-top-tips-positive-energy-2018-new-year-flow-space-chinese-philosophy-a8150756.html
Image Source: https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/story_large/public/thumbnails/image/2018/01/10/02/feng-shui.jpg

1. Clutter (v.) ~ crowd (something) untidily fill with clutter
2. Stagnate (v.) ~ cease developing become inactive or dull
3. Curvy (n.) ~ having many curves
4. Ensure (v.) ~ make certain that (something) shall occur or be the case
5. Occupant (n.) ~ a person who resides or is present in a house, vehicle, seat, place, etc., at a given time
6. Calculation (n.) ~ a mathematical determination of the size or number of something

1. What is feng shui? Are you familiar with the concept?
2. How often do your redecorate your house? What factors do you consider as to where you place your furniture and appliances?
3. How do you keep your apartment cheery and positive?
4. What is your favorite room in the house? What do you like most about it?
