제목   |  [Lifestyle] Finding Money in a Coat Pocket Considered Life's Greatest Small Victory 작성일   |  2018-03-09 조회수   |  3163

Finding Money in a Coat Pocket Considered Life's Greatest Small Victory 





Life's greatest small victory is finding cash in a long-unworn coat pocket, a new survey has found.

Other mood-boosting wins appearing in a new list included receiving an unexpected discount at the checkouts and spotting loose change on the street.

A delivery arriving on time is also ranks compliment from a stranger and arriving at the bus stop just as one pulls in are also considered some of the mundane but rewarding little victories we experience in day-to-day life.

Greg Tatton-Brown from online casino Casumo.com, which commissioned the study, said: “There’s something completely untainted about finding an extra fiver in a coat you haven’t worn in a long time, and it feels right that the experience was named the ultimate little victory in life.

“In fact, any opportunity where our finances receive an unexpected boost, however minor, appears to be a key factor in brightening up our day when we need it.”

The study also found 24 per cent of people allow themselves a moment of celebration when a social event they were dreading gets cancelled.

And one in 10 are quietly impressed when they insert a USB stick the correct way around – first time.

Despite their abundance and simplicity, the average Briton reckons they get just three little victories a week, which is a shame because nine in 10 say even a tiny one-up puts them in a good mood.

And while a little win only gives us a happy glow for 20 minutes on average, the study also revealed many Brits are in need of a happiness top-up.

The study, conducted by OnePoll, asked how often we feel happy on a daily basis, and it emerged the average Brit can only maintain a positive outlook for about six hours each day.

Forty-seven per cent would describe themselves as a predominantly positive person, but one in 10 say they live in a constant ‘glass half full’ state.

And 74 per cent think a little win has the power to rescue a bad day from disaster and give them a sunnier perspective on things.

A quarter of people think they are most likely to encounter a win at home, and only 5 per cent of workers think they are most likely to score a little victory at work.

One in five are also guilty of writing a smug post on social media to publicly share their little win, no matter how small.

Thirty-seven per cent get a little boost hearing about other people’s victories, and 48 per cent say they do their best each day to make sure people they know get the little wins they need.

Mr Tatton-Brown added: “They are innocuous in most cases, and often barely worth bringing up in conversation, but there is still a small and personal joy in getting a little win when things might not be going your way.

“Whether it’s spotting a lucky penny on the ground, landing a lucky win on an online game, or even swinging your car into a parking space flawlessly, life is full of little victories.

“The boost we receive to our mood, and the effect an unexpected victory can have on our day at large, is worth celebrating, and we would encourage Brits to keep an eye out for these fun moments of success.”

Top 50 best 'little victories'
1. Finding money in a coat pocket
2. Something you were planning on buying anyway being reduced in price
3. Getting an unexpected discount on an item when you reach the checkout
4. Finding money on the floor
5. Getting good weather for a special event
6. A delivery expected between 8am and 5pm comes at 8.01am
7. Not needing any work done at the dentist
8. When you get an unexpected tax rebate
9. Turning up at a full car park for someone to leave so you get a space
10. Car passing MOT first time
11. Being upgraded to first class
12. Getting in a queue at the front just before loads of other people join the queue
13. Someone leaving a table in a busy pub just as you arrive
14. Getting home just as the postman was about to leave a ‘Sorry we missed you’ card
15. Finding a parking space right outside the shop you want go in
16. It starting to rain just as you walk in the door / bring the washing in
17. Getting to the bus stop just as it arrives
18. A social event you really can’t be bothered with getting cancelled
19. When the vending machine gives you two chocolate bars instead of one
20. Hitting all the green lights on the way into work
21. Getting the last of something on offer in a supermarket
22. Waking up in the night and realising you still have hours left in bed before you have to get up
23. Parking perfectly first time
24. Getting a compliment from a stranger
25. Getting a whole aisle on a plane to yourself
26. Getting to the station just as the train pulls up
27. Finding the last dress or piece of clothing in your size on the rack
28. Waking up and realising it’s a Saturday and you don’t have to go to work
29. When a bet comes in
30. Having the exact change you need to pay for something
31. Your phone reaching 100 per cent charge just as you need to go out
32. Getting back to your car just as the parking ticket is about to run out or go up to the next price bracket
33. Unexpectedly seeing a friend when you’re out and about
34. Your phone battery lasting just long enough to send an important email/make a vital call
35. When you birthday falls on a Saturday
36. Finding change in your car to pay for parking
37. Getting the duvet cover over the duvet properly first time
38. Buttered toast landing butter-side-up
39. Filling up your petrol and getting smack bang on the pound
40. Getting to work from home when it’s snowed
41. Putting in a USB the right way round first time
42. When your favourite song comes on when you’re out
43. Having enough milk for one last cup of tea
44. Spotting a taxi the second you decide you need one
45. Getting to work late – and your boss hasn’t arrived yet either
46. Packing a car and getting it all packed in just right
47. Someone pulling over and offering you a lift when you’re on a bus stop
48. Getting the right key for the door first time
49. Catching yourself before you ‘reply all’ on an email you only wanted to send to one person
50. Lending someone your car and they fill it up with petrol

Article Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/money-coat-pocket-find-small-victory-study-checkout-discounts-loose-change-street-a8246011.html
Image Source: https://heta1311.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/wpid-happiness-comes-in-small-packages-l-nbgrya.jpeg?w=560

1. Mundane (adj.) ~ lacking interest or excitement dull
2. Untainted (adj.) ~ not contaminated, polluted, or tainted
3. Reckon (v.) ~ consider or regard in a specified way
4. Smug (adj.) ~ having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements
5. Innocuous (adj.) ~ not harmful or offensive
6. Rebate (n.) ~ a partial refund to someone who has paid too much money for tax, rent, or a utility
7. Vital (adj.) ~ absolutely necessary or important essential
8. Duvet (n.) ~ a soft quilt filled with down, feathers, or a synthetic fiber, used instead of an upper sheet and blankets

1. How do you feel when you unexpectedly found some money on your coat or jeans pocket? When was the last time it happened?
2. What are the little things in life that make you really happy?
3. What is the nicest thing that has happened to you since you have woken up this morning?
4. Why is it important to appreciate the good things that happen to us, no matter how small they are?
