제목   |  [Culture] Japan's Mouthwatering School Lunch Program is a Model for the Rest of the World 작성일   |  2018-03-28 조회수   |  2518

Japan's Mouthwatering School Lunch Program is a Model for the Rest of the World  






Japanese school lunches aren't synonymous with "mystery meat," but rather, shokuiku. It means "food and nutrition education," and it's a vital part of the Japanese child's early education.

Beginning in elementary school, kids come to understand that what you put into your body matters a great deal in how you think and feel throughout the day — and how you go about your life.

As a country, Japan prioritizes school lunch. If parents can't front the $2.50 cost of a meal, free and reduced lunch programs help kids stay full.

"Japan's standpoint is that school lunches are a part of education," Masahiro Oji, a government director of school health education, told the Washington Post in 2013, "not a break from it."

Here's what it looks like to be one of the global leaders in lunchtime.

Lunchtime in Japanese primary schools is almost sacred. It isn't hurried or hasty — kids get the time just to sit and eat.

Kids serve one another in an effort to reinforce a culture of self-sufficiency. In many schools, there is no janitor. Kids learn to pick up after themselves.

Rice has been a staple for decades, but it wasn't until the 1970s that school lunches began to look mostly like what they do today.

Lunch often comes with a main dish, rice, and a side soup. This lunch has miso soup, a small packet of dried fish, milk, rice, and pork fried with vegetables.

Another option might include tofu with meat sauce on rice, paired with a salad, apple, and carton of milk.

At Jinego Elementary School, in Akita Prefecture, a typical lunch includes chicken, rice, miso wakame soup, vegetable salad, milk, and a tangerine.

Jinego Elementary will occasionally offer curry and rice, which comes with milk and fruit salad. Many other schools will offer Korean or Italian food at least once a week.

About 25 miles away, Yashima Junior High School offers students rice, pork, and egg lemon yogurt tofu seaweed soup and milk.

The end result isn't just a satisfied student body, but one that learns responsibility and healthy eating habits. Japan's life expectancy is among the highest in the world, while it's rate of obesity is well below the global average.

Article Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/japan-school-lunch-program-children-food-model-countries-world-a8275616.html
Image Source: https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/story_medium/public/thumbnails/image/2018/03/27/10/japan.jpg

1. Mouthwatering (adj.) ~ smelling, looking, or sounding delicious
2. Synonymous (adj.) ~ closely associated with or suggestive of something
3. Sacred (adj.) ~ regarded with great respect and reverence by a particular religion, group, or individual
4. Hasty (adj.) ~ done or acting with excessive speed or urgency hurried
5. Reinforce (v.) ~ strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material
6. Staple (adj.) ~ a main or important element of something, especially of a diet

1. How important is lunch for you? What do you usually have for lunch and where do you eat?
2. What is the usual lunch of students in school cafeterias in your country? Do you think it is good enough? If not, how can it be improved?
3. Do you think that student's lunch should be the school's responsibility or the parents'? Discuss your answer.

