제목   |  ‘The Spanish King’: how a 90-year-old grandpa became a fashion sensation 작성일   |  2022-02-09 조회수   |  2776
첨부파일: 02-26-2022.mp3

‘The Spanish King’: how a 90-year-old grandpa became a fashion sensation





To celebrate his 90th birthday, self-proclaimed ‘Spanish King’ and newfound fashion model Andrés García-Carro held a party in a Madrid nightclub for 250 people.

And despite his age, his courtiers believe his reign is far from fading.

Two years ago, García-Carro was living a quiet life as a pensioner, in a country house in the Northern province of A Coruña, without a photo shoot or editorial campaign in sight.

Don't be mistaken – 'The Spanish King' lived a full and varied life a long time before this chapter.

He studied in London and Paris, worked as a ‘Gaucho’ driving cattle on his horse in Argentina and owned a restaurant in Uruguay’s Punta del Este and many other businesses in Spain, until he landed his late job as a model and influencer.

“I always knew he was something special," explains Van Heel.

"He’s not a normal grandfather. Since I was small I remember him being always smartly dressed. He loves getting tanned, he is constantly getting a tan, even in the winter. It just popped in my mind one day when I picked up the camera. I thought – let's do something about it. Let’s take pictures, let’s do film. Let’s dress him extravagantly, tell a story, and let people have a good time”.

But the Spanish King’s lookbook is diverse, as Celine Van Heel continues to develop the alter-ego she created with her grandpa.

“There’s not an exact style for my grandfather. The most important thing for me is to catch attention, presenting him as elegant, but fun. A bit of a twisted, pop personage."

One day he can resemble a Hugh Hefner of sorts, but on another, you'll find him dressed in sportswear or a delicate Yves Saint Laurent shirt.

Despite the age difference, the Spanish King has connected with a largely youthful audience who follow him on Instagram.

is lack of constraints and body positivity, his thirst for living life to the fullest, and challenging himself without caring what others would think, are all things that have made him stand out in people’s feeds on social media.

“People like things that are different, exciting, and new. Who’s ever seen a 90-year-old grandpa posing for amazing brands, and sometimes wearing barely anything other than a bathing suit, or going on luxurious vacations?” explains Van Heel.

“What people really like is his free spirit, he doesn't care about anything… His way of living and thinking is contagious. In-person he is exactly how you see him on Instagram."

At this very moment, the Spanish King might be taking a plane to a paradise beach, maybe hitting the nightlight of the European City, or just relaxing in his hotel room waiting to be called for the next photo shoot.

Van Heel admits she has big and “odd” plans for him in 2022.

“I can’t say anything yet. It’s the Spanish King’s life and secrets”, she added.



Words in the story:

distinctiveadj marking as separate or differentserving to distinguish

resemblesto be like or similar to; 

to represent as like

tip of the iceberg noun phrase  

the earliest, most obvious, or most superficial manifestation of some phenomenon

elegant- adj of a high grade or quality; splendid

extravagant- adj exceeding the limits of reason or necessity; extremely or unreasonably high in price



Comprehension Quiz: 

What is the article mainly about?

What is your opinion of being a fashion sensation in very old age?







