제목   |  Will Korea find its own Steve Jobs? 작성일   |  2010-06-16 조회수   |  31863
Government aims to foster software talent

By Kim Tae-gyu

Staff reporter

The government aims to foster top-tier software developers by focusing on open-source programs with the aim of nurturing a Korean equivalents of Steve Jobs, the legendary chief executive of U.S.-based tech giant Apple.

Toward that end, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE) said Monday that it will hold the Open Software World Challenge 2010 to attract developers both at home and abroad starting June 16 through Oct. 28.

``Amateur software developers can participate in the event. For the first time, we will draw overseas developers via the Linux foundation in each country,'' MKE Director Jang Gi-chun said.

``Throughout the initiative, software developers will compete in a variety of segments to come up with open-source programs. It will help the country find a Korean comparables of Steve Jobs.''

Ironically, however, the MKE scheme is closer to the model of Google rather than Apple, whose leader Steve Jobs embraces a closed-door approach rather than open-source policies.

In order to encourage everyone to generate third-party applications for its App Store, an online treasure box of dedicated programs, Apple opened its application programming interface (API).

However, its source codes are off limits to the general public so that only internal professionals of the behemoth are allowed access to them to improve operations of the iPhone, iPad or iPod.

In comparison, some gadgets are based on open-source programs without any barriers such as the Android phone of Google, whose operating system is open to everybody on top of its API.

Accordingly, some observers point out that the maneuver of the MKE is more about generating another Sergey Brin or Larry Page, the Google founders.

The MKE admits that the Open Software 2010 event is closer to the Google model in comparison to that of Apple. But it said Steve Jobs was named since he himself is one of the world's most outstanding developers.

Asked which will eventually stand out in the two-way competition between the two approaches, MKE Director Jang refused to answer but experts contend that the ministry is leaning toward the Google style.

``The Apple model is basically to create a walled garden where only Apple makes money together with the developers. There is no room for latecomers to butt in,'' said a Seoul analyst who asked not to be identified.

``Domestic companies arrived late in this competition. Then why would the government opt to support a model, which will be dominated by a foreign firm? Instead, it should lean toward the Google model that promises a level playing field.''

한국의 스티브 잡스?

정부는 한국의 스티브 잡스를 육성 하기 위해 프로그램을 만들었다.

지식경제부는 개발자들을 겨냥해 2010 세계 개방형 소스 도전을 열 예정이다.

지경부 장기춘 과장은 “아마추어들도 참가할 수 있는 이 대회에 사람들끼리 경쟁을 하며 개방형 소스 프로그램을 만들고 스티브 잡스와 견줄만한 인재를 찾는데 도움을 줄 것” 이라고 했다.

아이러니하게도 지경부의 제도는 개방형 소스보다 비공개 소스를 쓰는 스티브 잡스의 애플사 보다 구글사에 더 가깝다.

관측통들은 지경부의 제도는 구글 창업자인 서게이 브린이나 레리 페이지를 찾고 있는 것에 가깝다고 말했다.

이에 지경부는 이번 대회가 애플보다 구글쪽으로 더 기울어져 있다는 것을 인정했지만 스티브 잡스는 세계 최고의 개발자가 되면서 이름을 떨친 것이라 했다.
