제목   |  BAI finds several big loopholes in admission syste 작성일   |  2012-01-26 조회수   |  3021

BAI finds several big loopholes in admission system

Using false addresses, comfortable students get underprivileged places
농어촌 특별전형 부정입학 479명 적발  

Jan 26,2012
Students from well-off families are getting into university slots for the underprivileged, the state watchdog said yesterday, casting doubt on the newly adopted admission officer system.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology launched the so-called admission officer system in universities in 2008 to loosen up the rigid Korean admission system.

In it, professors and outside experts select a certain percentage of applicants by looking at their entire record, not just their CSAT scores. The intention was to admit students with more creative records, impressive extracurricular activities and also students with underprivileged backgrounds.

Currently, about 10 percent of students in universities nationwide are selected by the special admission system.

But the Board of Audit and Inspection yesterday told media that it has inspected about 50 universities from May and found a series of loopholes in the system.

It said admission officers didn’t confirm the household incomes of some applicants, allowing a slew of rich kids to get seats meant for the underprivileged.

The BAI suspects a total of 479 students of lying about living in the countryside to get into schools. It said some high schools wrote references for the students even though they apparently knew about their address fabrication.

Most of the 479 students are attending universities in Seoul, according to the BAI. Korea University had the largest number with allegedly false residence registrations, the BAI said, followed by Sogang University, Ewha Womans University, Hanyang University, Sungkyunkwan University and Seoul National University.

The Education Ministry told local media yesterday it will withdraw admissions of those students if the BAI’s suspicions prove true.

Some applicants overstated how long they had studied abroad to take advantage of a preference for students who had lived abroad for more than two years. One parent made up a divorce to exploit a preference for children of single parents.

The BAI said the admission officer system isn’t fulfilling one of its goals - to curb the use of cram schools and tutors - because the students still use them to learn things that are good on applications through the system.

Another problem is that the outside experts hired as admission officers aren’t very good.

About 90 percent of them have master’s degrees or doctorates in psychology or education, but they don’t know much about students or how high schools work.

The outside officers are also temporary workers who aren’t paid well, leading to poor evaluations.

But withdrawing admissions already given to students won’t be easy, the BAI said.

“Some universities are arguing that they will withdraw admissions for students who cheated on their applications, but it’s been going on for years and there are some legal issues,” a BAI official told Yonhap News Agency. “So it won’t lead to a mass withdrawal of admissions.”

By Kim Hee-jin [heejin@joongang.co.kr]


한글 관련 기사 [뉴시스]

농어촌 특별전형 부정입학 479명 적발

【서울=뉴시스】박영환 기자 = `농어촌 특별전형`을 악용해 대학에 편법으로 입학한 부정입학사례가 무더기로 적발됐다.

교육여건이 도시에 비해 상대적으로 열악한 이 지역 학생들에게 동등한 교육 기회를 부여한다는 취지에서 출발한 이 제도의 허점을 파고든 것이다.

감사원은 2009~2011학년도 서울 소재 대학, 지역 거점 대학, 교육대학 등 82개 대학을 상대로 위장전입이 의심되는 학생과 학부모를 조사한 결과, 농어촌 특별전형에 부당합격한 55개 대학 479명을 적발했다고 25일 밝혔다.

감사원이 발표한 이번 조사 결과에 따르면, 이러한 빗나간 자식 사랑을 실천한 학부모들은 도시에 거주하면서도 농어촌에 있는 고등학교 기숙사, 심지어는 공항 활주로, 창고, 고추밭 등으로 주소를 허위로 이전했다.

부모와 자녀가 모두 농어촌에 거주해야 한다는 농어촌 특별전형 자격 요건을 채우기 위해 편법을 동원한 것이다.

이들은 자녀들을 농어촌 고등학교에 통학시키거나, 기숙사에 거주하는 방식으로 특별전형 자격요건을 취득하도록 했다. 또 자녀들이 대학에 합격한 뒤에는 주소지를 다시 원거주지로 옮기는 기민함도 발휘했다.

현대판 맹모삼천지교를 실행한 학부모들의 직업도 다양했다. 경찰, 군인, 교사 등 공직자는 물론 교원도 다수 포함된 것으로 드러났다고 감사원은 설명했다.

농어촌 고등학교들도 부모들의 빗나간 자녀 사랑에 공모했다. 학부모들이 주소를 허위로 이전한 사실을 알면서도 대입 진학률을 높이기 위해 특별전형 추천서나 확인서를 부당 발급해주는 등 불법에 눈을 감았다.

이밖에 재외국민 특별 전형을 악용해 대학에 부당입학한 사례도 5개 대학에서 7명이 적발됐다고 감사원은 지적했다.

감사원은 "농어촌 특별전형이 도입 취지와 다르게 운영되고 있는데도, 교육당국은 이를 방치했다"며 "부정입학한 학생들에 대해 적정한 조치를 하도록 교육과학기술부에 통보했다"고 덧붙였다.