제목   |  [Career] 9 Ways to Be Likable 작성일   |  2015-04-10 조회수   |  3320

9 Ways to BeLikable 



Let's face it, not allof us score an "A" when it comes to sociability and likability.Indeed many people cringe at the thought of attending a social gathering or anetworking event. Unfortunately, at times they're unavoidable.

Whether you're the introvertthat's quickly drained with obligatory conversations, or would never callyourself a "people-person," there are behavioral hacks thatwill trigger rapport and positive responses from others. Here are ninesocial techniques, some backed by studies that will ensure you ace your nextsocial interaction.

1. Show your palms

You'd assume the eyes are the firstplace you look when meeting someone, but it's the hands. It's an evolutionarybehavior that still persists a survival mechanism to make sure the otherperson is not carrying weapons. So when you meet someone for the first time,keeping your hands visible, and showing your palms will make them comfortable.

2. Use their name

It's thesweetest sound to everyone's ears. Hearing your own name sparks up portions ofyour brain. Using the person's name in a conversation will perk theirinterest and put a smile on their face. We shouldn't have to make a note thatusing it in every sentence is too much.


3. Novel questions

If you want toguarantee a boring conversation, ask "So, what do you do for aliving?" It's so worn out, yet still so commonly the textbook approach toevery conversation. Charisma coach JT Tran suggests asking "Ifyou were a pizza topping, what would you be?"

Novel questions will always evoke a smile and interestingconversations.

4. Vary Your Tone

Charismaticspeakers are always adjusting theirvocal tone. Think back to that painfully boring lecturethe professor was monotoneright? Varying your tone during a conversation will keep the other personengaged and interested in you.


5. Hand gestures

A survey of 760 people who rated and watchedhundreds of hours of Ted Talks revealed a direct correlation between the numberof views and number of hand gestures.

The top Ted Talks that averaged over 7million views used double the amount if hand gestures as the talks thataveraged over 100K views.

Why are people drawn tohand gestures? Because you're talking to them on two levels: the verbal andnonverbal.

6. The slight touch

The line betweencreepy and effective is very thin on this one. The highly charismaticBill Clinton is a master of strategic social touching. Whether it's a pat onthe back or a touch of the elbow, when done at the right moments can really increaseyour rapport with a person.


7. Stand side-on

Standing directly in front of a personcan be perceived as confrontational. You can adjust your positioning as theconversation continues, but initially standing slightly side-on will ensure aninteraction starts on the best foot.

8. Eye contact

Psychologists at Aberdeen University found that people were more attracted tofaces that maintained eye contact rather than those who averted theireyes.

Of course, intense eye contact wouldcause anyone discomfort. Maintaining a consistent amount however will increaselikability and attractiveness.

9. Smile

Last butdefinitely not least. There's a social obligation that comes with a smile, andrarely will it be unreciprocated. And with a smile comes the release of happychemicals. Those happy chemicals will make it difficult for someone not to likeyou.


Article Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thai-nguyen/how-to-be-likable_b_7005932.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592

Image Source: http://uthmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/meeting-people-1024x680.jpg



1. Introvert (n.) ~ a personwho focuses interest on oneself  

2. Rapport (n.) ~ arelationship of mutual understanding  

3. Visible (adj.) ~ possibleto see 

4. Perk (v.) ~ to carryoneself in a lively manner  

5. Novel (adj.) ~ new,unusual, or different  

6. Monotone (n.) ~ asuccession of words uttered in a single tone of voice  

7. Creepy (adj.) ~ annoyinglyunpleasant  

8. Avert (v.) ~ to turn away  



1. Do you think you are a likeable person?Explain your answer. 

2. Why is it important to be likeable? 

3. Give examples of novel questions thatyou can ask on first meetings.  

4. How do you make a good impression whenyou meet people for the first time?   
