제목   |  [WORLD] INDIA SAYS KOH-I-NOOR DIAMOND BELONGS TO BRITAIN 작성일   |  2016-04-19 조회수   |  2610



India says Koh-i-Noor diamond belongs to Britain

A priceless diamond that is part of Queen Elizabeth's crown was given to Britain and not stolen, India's government on Monday told the Supreme Court, which is hearing a suit seeking its return.

The 108-carat Koh-i-Noor gem, which came into British hands during the colonial era, is the subject of a historic ownership dispute and has been claimed by at least four countries including India.

But India's Solicitor General Ranjit Kumar said the 19th-century Sikh king Ranjit Singh had given the stone to the British.

"It was given voluntarily by Ranjit Singh to the British as compensation for help in the Sikh Wars. The Koh-i-Noor is not a stolen object," he told the Supreme Court.

The court was hearing a suit filed by the All India Human Rights & Social Justice Front, a non-governmental organisation, seeking the diamond's return.

It asked the solicitor general to file an affidavit giving the government's stance on the issue.

The stone was presented to Queen Victoria in 1850 after the Anglo-Sikh wars in which Britain gained control of the Sikh empire of the Punjab, which is now split between Pakistan and India.

Singh in turn had taken it from an Afghan king who had sought sanctuary in India.

The diamond had been an heirloom of the Afghan monarchy and before then was in Persian royal hands, but its true origins remain a mystery.

Its name translates as "Mountain of Light" and it is traditionally worn by a queen it is said to bring bad luck to any man who wears it.

In 1976 Britain refused a request to cede the diamond, citing the terms of the Anglo-Sikh peace treaty.

"I could not advise Her Majesty the Queen that it should be surrendered," said Jim Callaghan, prime minister at the time.

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron has also said he would oppose returning the diamond.

"If you say yes to one you suddenly find the British Museum would be empty," he told NDTV television in 2010.

"It is going to have to stay put."

Vocabuary Words:
1. Carat - (noun)  unit for measuring the weight of diamonds and other precious stones, equal to 200 milligrams
2. Era - (noun) a period of time, usually in history, that is different from other periods because of particular characteristics or events
3. Dispute - (noun) disagreement between two people, groups or countries discussion about a subject where there is disagreement
4. Compensation - (noun) something, especially money, that somebody gives you because they have hurt you, or damaged something that you own the act of giving this to somebody
5. Affidavit - (noun) a written statement that you swear is true, and that can be used as evidence in court
6. Stance - (noun) the opinions that somebody has about something and expresses publicly
7. Sanctuary - (noun) safety and protection, especially for people who are being chased or attacked
8. Heirloom - (noun) a valuable object that has belonged to the same family for many years
9. Origin - (noun) the point from which something starts the cause of something
10. Cede - (verb)  to give somebody control of something or give them power, a right, etc., especially unwillingly
11. Cite - (verb) to mention something as a reason or an example, or in order to support what you are saying
12. Treaty - (noun) a formal agreement between two or more countries
13. Oppose - (verb) to disagree strongly with somebody’s plan, policy, etc. and try to change it or prevent it from succeeding
14. Stay put - (phrase) (of a person or object) remain somewhere without moving or being moved.

Discussion Questions:
1. In your own opinion, what is the importance of the Koh-i-Noor diamond to the British people?
2. If you are Queen Elizabeth, would you agree to return the gem? Why or why not?
3. Since the Koh-i-Noor gem is a gift to the British people, do other countries have the right to claim it and  take it back? Why do you say so?
4. What, in your opinion, is the significance of a country giving valuable gifts to another country?
5. Aside from diamonds, what other valuable stones do you know of? Which is your favorite and why?

