제목   |  [Travel] 6 tips for high-altitude trekking 작성일   |  2016-04-20 조회수   |  2560

6 tips for high-altitude trekking 







1. Acclimatize appropriately

Acclimatizing gradually is imperative for high-altitude trekking. Head up a trail too fast and you’ll be struck down with sickness and not be in any fit state to complete a full trek. If you’re not sure about how to acclimate effectively, hike with an experienced guide – it’s their job to make sure guests carry out their expeditions safely. 

One top tip for acclimatization: make sure that you never stay somewhere more than 1,000m higher than you were the previous night. Keeping below this level will increase the chances of you getting a good night’s rest and being in tip-top condition for continuing the next day.


2. Pack layers

The weather up in the mountains can be unpredictable, so it’s important to make sure you have the appropriate layers to keep you warm. However, some days may be hotter than others so you might find yourself taking layers on and off as you go.
Think through the pieces of clothing you need and assess how easily they are to put on and remove. The last thing you want it to be scrambling around with fiddly clothing on top of a mountain, so pack pieces that will create as little fuss as possible.  


3. Travel light

Don’t make the trek any harder on yourself by filling your backpack to the brim. Be ruthless and save weight in your pack wherever possible, thinking rationally about the things you absolutely need and the things you don’t. Channel your inner climber – some experienced trekkers even cut their toothbrushes in half to save on weight. That might sound ludicrous but you’ll thank yourself for it later.  


If you’re not sure how to reduce the items in your packs, start going through your things and look for those ‘just in case’ items – those should be the first to go. If there’s a good chance you might not end up using it, these are the bits and bots that don’t need to be in your backpack.  


4. Don’t wear cotton
Cotton is rubbish at keeping your warm and it takes ages to dry – two things you absolutely don’t want when high-altitude trekking. Ditch all the cotton clothing out of your pack and replace with items made of pure merino wool (or a merino/synthetic mix). These fabrics wick sweat away, keep you warm, dry quickly, and are breathable.  


5. Use mountain huts and wardens
Alpine huts are dotted through the mountains in top hiking regions across Europe. Many of these offer accommodation to hikers in the area, and range from basic shelter up to private rooms and washing facilities.

The wardens at these huts are a mine of useful information about their area and route safety. Never hesitate to ask their advice, whether in person or by emailing ahead (many of the huts have websites with contact details). You can also reserve your space in the most huts via the internet, and it’s recommended that you book well ahead of time.  


6. Back up your route with a GPS
If you’re tech-savvy, create a GPS trace of your route on a computer, then load it on to a GPS device. You may not end up using this to navigate your trek most of the time, but if you lose your path during a white-out at altitude, this precaution may well save your life. A good website for creating the track is GPS Visualizer, which is relatively intuitive and easy to use.  


Don’t use your phone to navigate! On a mountain, you need to separate the functions of a mobile phone and GPS device: the latter should be used to direct your route, the former should be used for communication in an emergency. Using your phone to track your route will gobble up battery power and could leave you stranded in an emergency.  

Article Source: http://www.wanderlust.co.uk/discover/walking-in-austria/content/6-tips-for-high-altitude-trekking
Image Source: http://cdn.wanderlust.co.uk/contentimages/wanderlust/magazine-1294.jpg?width=620&height=372

1. Acclimatize (v.) ~ to adapt (oneself), especially to environmental or climatic changes
2. Scramble around (v.) ~  to move with urgency or panic
3. Fuss (n.) ~ a display of unnecessary or excessive excitement, activity, or interest
4. Ruthless (adj.) ~ having or showing no pity or compassion for others
5. Ludicrous (adj.) ~ so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing ridiculous
6. Wick (v.) ~ absorb or draw off (liquid) by capillary action
7. Intuitive (adj.) ~ using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning instinctive
8. Stranded (adj.) ~ left without the means to move from somewhere

1. Have you ever gone high-altitude trekking? If yes, when and describe the experience.
2. In Korea, are there some places for high-altitude trekking? Where are they and have you been to any of these places?
3. What are the benefits of trekking?

