제목   |  [World] The 10 most critical problems in the world, according to millennials 작성일   |  2016-08-29 조회수   |  3443

[The 10 most critical problems in the world, according to millennials] 








Despite the dire state of the world today — and the stereotype that millennials' are selfish and apathetic 

— the generation aged 18 to 35 cares deeply about global issues, and they're determined to tackle them.


In fact, 70% of millennials see plentiful opportunities for themselves and their peers, and 50% believe they can significantly contribute to decision making in their home country.

These insights come from the World Economic Forum's (WEF) annual Global Shapers survey, released this week, which surveyed more than 26,000 millennials from 181 countries to gauge the priorities, concerns, and attitudes of millennials around the globe.

In one survey, WEF asked respondents to name the three most serious issues affecting the world today. For the second year in a row, millennials are most concerned by climate change, followed by large-scale wars and religious conflicts. When asked who should be trusted to fix the issues plaguing the world, millennials said the responsibility belongs to international organizations and themselves.

Below are the top-10 most concerning world issues, according to millennials. 

10. Lack of economic opportunity and unemployment (14.2%)
About 22% of millennials in Sub-Saharan Africa are concerned with unemployment and the lack of economic opportunity in the world compared to just 8.3% of Eurasians.

9. Food and water security (15.1%)
North American millennials (27.3%) are most concerned by the global lack of food and water, followed by 21.5% of millennials in Europe and 11% in both Latin America/the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa.

8. Lack of political freedom and political instability (15.5%)
About 19% of millennials in East Asia/the Pacific are bothered by the lack of political freedom and stability in the world, followed by 18.9% of millennials in Eurasia.

7. Lack of education (16.5%)
North American millennials (21.8%) are most concerned with lack of education around the world, followed by an equal percentage (19.7%) of millennials in Europe and Eurasia. Meanwhile, just 7% of millennials in Sub-Saharan Africa are concerned with a lack of education.
6. Safety, security, and well being (18.1%)

Millennials in Sub-Saharan Africa (24.6%) and the Middle East/North Africa (23.4%) are most concerned with safety and well being around the world, while millennials in Latin America/the Caribbean are least concerned (12.8%).
5. Government accountability and transparency, and corruption (21.7%)
About 32% of millennials in sub-Saharan Africa are concerned with world government issues, the highest of the sub-regions, followed by Latin America/the Caribbean (27%) and the Middle East/North Africa (23.2%).
4. Poverty (31.1%)
Latin American and Caribbean millennials are most concerned with poverty (40.4%), followed by millennials in North America (33.9%) and Sub-Saharan Africa (33.6%).
3. Religious conflicts (33.8%)
Many of the world's millennials are largely concerned with religious conflicts, mostly in the Middle East/North Africa (45.1%), South Asia (44.1%), Eurasia (41.8%), and Europe (38.8%).
2. Large scale conflict and wars (38.5%)
According to the WEF survey, millennials in Eurasia (54.3%) and the Middle East/North Africa (50.3%) are most concerned with global conflict.

1. Climate change and destruction of natural resources (45.2%)
Millennials in Latin America/Caribbean (51.8%) and South Asia (49.3%) are most concerned with global warming and climate change. 




Article Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/world-economic-forum-world-biggest-problems-concerning-millennials-2016-8/#9-food-and-water-security-151-2
Image Source: http://static4.businessinsider.com/image/57bef03eb996eb7a018b45f1-2400/polar%20bear%20global%20warming.jpg 






1. Dire (adj.) ~ (of a situation or event) extremely serious or urgent
2. Apathetic (adj.) ~ showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern
3. Tackle (v.) ~ make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task)
4. Gauge (v.) ~ estimate or determine the magnitude, amount, or volume of 






1. Among the problems mentioned, choose three which you think are the main concerns of Koreans? Discuss each one briefly.
2. Which is issue is the biggest concern for you personally? Explain your opinion.
3. In your opinion, what do you think is the best way to tackle these issues?  
