제목   |  [Health] 5 Easy and Creative Ways to Add More Exercise to Your Day 작성일   |  2017-07-12 조회수   |  2613

5 Easy and Creative Ways to Add More Exercise to Your Day 





It’s easy to assume the only way to really stay in shape is by eating right and working out. Yes, those choices are necessary for wellness, but abiding by a strict diet and finding time to squeeze in a hardcore gym session alone won’t ensure total health and happiness. A fit life requires an ongoing commitment to an active, balanced routine. Since most of us are so busy, we need to get a little more creative. Here are five clever tips to keep you healthier throughout the day.

1. Plan gym time (or chores) around your favorite TV shows
If you go to a gym that has personal televisions on their cardio machines, promise yourself you’re only allowed to watch your favorite show while you’re there. Not only will it be a time to get your sweat on, but it’ll also give you something to look forward to on those evenings you’re not too motivated to get yourself to the gym.

Furthermore, if you find yourself doing chores at night, use fall’s TV schedule to your advantage. Fold the laundry on the floor, sitting with your legs stretched wide. And run piles of clean clothes upstairs during commercial breaks, being as speedy as possible. Or, regardless of whether or not you’re doing chores, commit yourself to taking to the floor for some stretching during at least one of your favorite shows each night. If you’re on the floor, you probably won’t be as tempted to snack, either. Sinking into the couch with a bag of chips is a bit more appealing than doing so on the ground.

2. Turn your desk into a motivating work space
In a culture driven by technology and consumed by the latest and greatest in gadgets, it’s common practice for most of us to be hunched over a computer for at least several hours a day. Don’t let yourself fall victim to poor posture, though. When it comes to taking a stand against a sedentary life, you have options.

You’ve heard the case for standing desks, but they can often be pricey and bulky. So, get creative. If you need to work at a desk all day, turn a countertop or other tall surface into a standing desk by propping your computer on a stack of books. And to make it even better, incorporate a product like the Simply Fit Board into your setup. Advertised as a piece of workout equipment, this board is perfect for standing for extended periods of time. It will work your core, strengthen your legs, and boost your balance. Plus, it’s fun! 

3. Strategically place everyday items on different levels of your home
You know taking the stairs is better than riding the escalator, but what about simply trying to use your stairs more often while you’re at home? Purposefully place items on different floors so you’ll be forced to go up and down the stairs throughout the day. Rather than keeping your laundry basket next to the washer and dryer, keep it on a different floor so you have no choice but to climb the stairs with each load. If you typically keep your cleaning products in the kitchen, relocate them to the basement or top floor. If you’re lucky enough to have a multi-level floor, use it to your advantage.

4. Take dance breaks
Shaking your groove thang to feel-good music releases endorphins and reduces stress, and it also gives your mind a much-needed, break. Even Ellen DeGeneres makes a habit of dancing on each and every episode of her show (and have you seen how many smiling faces are in her audience?). And the best part is dancing requires no equipment or special gear. Simply fire up your favorite tunes, and let the music take control. Do it a few times throughout the day if you work from home. If you work in an office, gather your co-workers and start a daily dance break tradition with everyone on the floor. It’s guaranteed to boost everyone’s mood.

5. Keep free weights in the kitchen
If this sounds strange, it’s because you haven’t tried it before. But consider this: How often do you find yourself putting around the kitchen or mindlessly snacking during dinner prep? While you’re waiting for your meal to heat up in the oven or on the stove, why not make the most of the downtime? Keep a set of free weights right on your counter. Instead of snacking (and ruining your appetite) or heading right for the couch, grab those weights and bust out some moves that’ll leave you feeling just a bit better about yourself before settling in for the night.

Article Source: http://www.cheatsheet.com/health-fitness/creative-ways-add-more-exercise.html/?a=viewall
Image Source: http://cdn.thealternativedaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/watching-tv-and-working-out-1024x738.jpg

1.Hardcore (adjective)- unswervingly committed uncompromising dedicated.
2.Routine (noun)- a customary or regular course of procedure.
3.Cardio (noun)- a combining form meaning “heart”.
4.Appealing (adjective)- evoking or attracting interest, desire, curiosity, sympathy, or the like, attractive.
5.Motivate (verb)- to provide with a motive, or a cause or reason to act.
6.Posture (noun)- the relative disposition of the parts of something.
7.Sedentary (adjective)- characterized by or requiring a sitting posture.
8.Endorphins (noun)- any of a group of peptides occurring in the brain and other tissues of vertebrates, and resembling opiates, that react with the brain's opiate receptors to raise the pain threshold.
9.Prep (noun)- preparation
10.Downtime (noun)- a time during a regular working period when an employee is notactively productive.
11.Snack (noun)- a small portion of food or drink or a light meal, especially one eaten between regular meals.
12.Appetite (noun)- a desire for food or drink.
13.Bulk (verb)- to increase in size expand.

1. Do you agree that doing house chores can be an effective way of exercising as going to the gym? Discuss your answer.
2. What healthy snacks would you recommend to those who follow a healthy lifestyle?
3. Which of the aforementioned ways of exercising have you tried or would you be willing to try? How can that activity  be helpful for you?
4. If you could think for a new creative way to exercise, what would it be?
