제목   |  [Business] EU Expresses Horror at Brexit Vote, Refuses to Reopen Deal 작성일   |  2019-01-17 조회수   |  3061

EU Expresses Horror at Brexit Vote, Refuses to Reopen Deal






The European Union said it was horrified by the massive scale of the U.K. Parliament defeat of the Brexit deal agreed to with Prime Minister Theresa May but said there was no option to renegotiate.

Diplomats said they were stunned by the extent of the loss. As they tried on Tuesday night to plot the EU response, they said they think there’s little more they can do to help May and fear that the U.K. tumbling out without agreement in March has now become a real prospect.

Despite only 10 weeks to go until the U.K.’s scheduled departure, officials in Brussels ruled out the prospect of an extraordinary summit of the 27 EU leaders any time soon. They said there’s little to discuss if lawmakers in the U.K. can’t decide what they want.

European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker told the U.K: “Time is almost up.” French President Emmanuel Macron chimed in also to remind May that the EU won’t offer concessions to solve “an internal U.K. politics problem.”

"I will be very vigilant on that,” Macron told reporters in Normandy, northern France. “We went as far as we could.”

The result was shocking, according to officials who asked not to be named. Previously, EU officials had suggested that a much smaller defeat of the Brexit deal, of around 60 votes, would give them something to work with and that they had some concessions up their sleeves to get it over the line.

French European Affairs Minister Nathalie Loiseau said it’s still "technically possible" to delay Brexit or hold a second referendum but the British political class needs to decide what it wants.

Unimaginably Bad Result

But the loss by 230 is greater even than many feared, leading to a sense of confusion about what to do for the best. They will restart talks with May but will resist going back on what’s already been agreed.

Some on the EU side can barely conceal their anger that May has been unable to sell a deal to lawmakers after more than 18 months of negotiation with Brussels.

“The EU-27 will remain united and responsible as we have been throughout the entire process and will seek to reduce the damage caused by Brexit,” Preben Aamann, spokesman for EU President Donald Tusk, said. “We will continue our preparations for all outcomes, including a no-deal scenario.”

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said it’s “up to the British to assume the consequence of their choice,” while Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte was a little more upbeat: “Despite this setback, it does not mean we are in a no-deal situation,” he said on Twitter.

All agree that it’s for the U.K. government to decide on the next steps.

It’s a “sad day for Europe,” German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said.


Article Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-15/eu-expresses-horror-at-brexit-vote-but-refuses-to-reopen-deal

image source : https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/ip5B9nuKKGQI/v0/800x-1.jpg" data-native-src





1. stun / verb : to deprive of consciousness or strength by or as if by a blow, fall, etc

2. tumble / verb : to fall helplessly down, end over end, as by losing one's footing, support, or equilibrium; plunge headlong:

3. chime / verb : to sound harmoniously or in chimes as a set of bells:

4. concession / noun : the thing or point yielded:

5. vigilant / adjective : keenly watchful to detect danger; wary:

6. upbeat / adjective : optimistic; happy; cheerful:

7. prospect / noun : anticipation; expectation; a looking forward.





1. What is Brexit?

2. According to the Articel, Why do some on the EU side get angry with the result of the referendum?

3. What are the possible scenarios on Brexit in the future?

