제목   |  [HEALTH & SOCIETY] Like to Jog? Hate Litter? Do Both! 작성일   |  2021-05-13 조회수   |  2111


Many athletes have been doing it for a long time without even knowing it is now a fitness trend.  It's called plogging, a combination of jogging and picking up.  And what is being picked up is trash. The Swedes are credited with starting the trend and now it's spreading in the United States.

Getting ready to plog is similar to getting ready to jog. You have to warm up by doing weight squats, some calisthenics, some balance exercises. Then, grab a trash bag and you’re ready to go, but not before wearing a pair of gloves.

Like any other fitness routine, plogging has rules.  The first of these rules one shouldn’t suddenly bend over in front of someone else, which seems like common sense. Ploggers also need to cover all different territory.

Sports event organizer Dana Allen finds plogging interesting. Like other runners who consider themselves environment custodians, she likes it when streets are trash-free and clean. That’s why she plogs, but admits she doesn't do it all the time.
"When I'm running seriously, in training for a marathon, I probably wouldn't be as inclined to stop regularly because I'm focusing on a certain goal,” she says.  “But then there are other days, where I'm out and into sort of a more relaxed running that would be a situation where I might do it.”

On other occasions, a group of runners gets together early on a weekend morning, and goes plogging.

“We go for run, pick up some garbage, then we go for brunch.  We kind of make a little bit of event of it."

Plogger Azell Washington says participating in such events makes him feel better.  "It would clear a lot of space for me.  And I'm rewarded myself."


Washington DC: Clean and Fit

Encouraging more people to plog helps raise awareness about Washington's litter problem, says Julie Lawson, who works with the mayor's Clean City Office.

"When the street looks bad and it's dirty, you're going to feel bad about the neighborhood, about the community.  You may even feel less safe because of that,” she says. “So if we're all doing our part and picking it up, it's very easy to help beautify it, help build those social connection, you get to know your neighbors, you get to feel some social responsibility and community feel, when you do this."

Plogging also helps advance a city-wide fitness initiative.

"FitDC is Mayor Muriel Bowser's initiative to get DC back to number one in the country as the fittest city in the nation,” Lawson adds.  “And as part of that our Department of Parks and Recreation put up a couple of plogging events combining fitness activities with beautifying the city. We look to continue to support that."

Words in this Article 

be credited with  v. to say that someone is responsible for something good 

calisthenics  n. a type of exercise that only uses the body 

common sense  n. the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way 

custodian  n. a person with responsibility for protecting or taking care of something 

incline to ~  v. likely or wanting to do something 

participate in ~  v. to join in an activity 

beautify  v. to make something more beautiful 


Comprehension Quiz 

Describe what 'plogging' is

What are the basic rules of the 'plogging?

How did the local government in Washinton take the activity of 'plogging?'

