제목   |  Airport body scanners to begin operation this mont 작성일   |  2010-07-01 조회수   |  35016
Airport body scanners to begin operation this month

Sample images from scanners reveal body shapes and even sexual organs, raising concerns about the possible violation of individual privacy.
/ Courtesy of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs

Agency warns against possible privacy violation

By Lee Hyo-sik
Staff reporter

The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs said Thursday that it will start operating full body scanners at four airports operating international flights from the middle of this month, ignoring concerns over possible privacy issues.

The announcement came one day after the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) warned the government against installing the scanners at Incheon International Airport and three other airports across the country.

The ministry has said that the scanners are aimed to beef up air travel security, following the attempted Christmas Day attack in the United States by a Nigerian terrorist.

"We imported scanners from American and British companies last month and finished installment at four airports," a ministry official said. ``Due to possible concerns over the invasion of privacy, we will only scan passengers suspected of posing a threat to other travelers and airplanes, and those who are blacklisted or did not pass the initial security procedure.''

He also said the security personnel guiding the passenger through the scanner won't be able to see the scanned image.

Another employee viewing the image will be positioned away from the passenger for the protection of privacy.

However, the commission said screeners can see the shape of sexual organs of men and women through the scanner, as well as cosmetic implants and other artificial objects inserted into a human body, adding there is no legal basis for its adoption.

``Once introduced, the body scanners will definitely cause a controversy due to the invasion of privacy. Electromagnetic waves and radiation emitted from the device could also negatively affect human health,'' the NHRC said.

It said as a result of the introduction of the full body scanners, there have been a number of unfortunate incidents in the United States, Britain and other countries. For instance, a male security guard operating the scanner intentionally scanned the body of a female colleague in Britain.

``Scanner operators may determine who to examine arbitrarily. Or they could decide who to scan, based on the subjects' nationality and religious background. This will escalate issues of discrimination against ethnicity and region,'' the commission said.

It added a group of civic organizations in the U.S. petitioned the government to stop the use of the full body scanner at airports in April, saying they were ineffective in detecting terrorists and violated individuals' privacy.

전신검색기 이 달 말부터 가동

국토해양부는 목요일 인천국제공항, 김포, 김해, 제주 등 4개 공항에 전신검색기를 7월 말 가동할 것이라고 발표했다.

국토부는 "일반인 전체가 검색 대상이 아니라 임산부·영유아·장애인 등은 전신검색 대상에서 제외하고 1차 보안검색에서 의심되는 승객이나 항공기 안전을 위협하는 요주의 승객에 한해 운영할 계획"이라고 밝혔다.

이에 대해 국가인권위원회는 지난달 30일 전신검색기는 "전신스캐너의 설치가 개인의 사생활의 비밀과 자유를 침해할 소지"가 있으며 국적 및 종교에 따른 차별이 발생할 수 있으므로 설치를 하지 말 것을 권고한 바 있다.

또한 인권위는 현재 전신스캐너가 사용되고 있는 미국, 영국 등 국가에서도 사용에 대한 반발이 일고 있다고 지적했다.
