제 목 : It's not the beard that makes the philosopher.
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-03-19
파일  |     조회수  |   22720

It's not the beard that makes the philosopher.

머리 깎았다고 다 중이 되는 건 아니지.


May: They have a great selection of books here. Look at all these foreign books. I found the book "Time of Life", which I never was able to find anywhere in the whole city. It's amazing!
John: That's great! Is it what you wanted to buy? What's it about?
May: No, I'm just saying that it's amazing that this book store even has a book like that. The book is about this guy who spent 30 years on this tiny island, doing nothing.
John: Are you kidding me?
May: No. That's really the story of the book. What are you looking at?
John: I'm looking at this novel by William Hustle. "The Adventurer"
May: That book's really not good. I mean, just in case browsing turned to buying, you'll be wasting your money.
John: Really? Why? Did you read this book?
May: No, but I saw the writer on TV and he looked just awfully messy.
John: Well, it's not the beard that makes the philosopher. I think I'll get this.

* Are you kidding me? : '농담하는 거지? 혹은 장난하는 거지?' 라는 뜻. Are you serious? 와 같은 의미.
* awfully : 끔찍하게
* messy : 지저분한
* It's not the beard that makes the philosopher : 수염이 있다고 해서 다 철학자는 아니다, 즉 겉모습이 그 사람의 본질을 말하는 것은 아니라는 의미. All that glitters is not gold. 와 같은 말.