제 목 : She lives off her parents.
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-03-20
파일  |     조회수  |   22510

She lives off her parents.
부모님한테 얹혀 살아요.

May: So, you're saying Kevin has a crush on this girl in his office.
John: Ah uh. He's dying to go out with her.
May: I thought he wasn't emotionally ready for another date yet.
John: I thought so too, but apparently, he seems like he's gotten over it.
May: I guess that's good for him. Does she seem to be interested in him also?
John: Well, she's fairly new so I don't know about her very well. One thing for sure is that unlike Janis, she seems to be a very independent girl.
May: What are you talking about? Janis was an independent enough girl.
John: Not to my standard. Listen, if any girl spends twice as much as she actually earns with her credit cards and expects her parents
to pay for them, she's not independent. A 26-year-old girl doesn't live off her parents like that. I mean...
May: I'm sorry, John, but you might remember that you had to live off your parents for a good 8 months before you went to graduate school.
John: And tell me about it. It was the longest 8 months of my entire life!


* have a crush on someone: ~에게 반하다
* be dying to ~: '을 하고 싶어 죽다' 즉, 어떤 것을 무척 갈망한다는 의미.
* apparently: 확실히, 분명히
* go over: 극복하다
* fairly: 상당히, 꽤
* standard: 기준
* live off: ~ 에게 폐를 끼치다, 얹혀 살다
* interrupt: 가로막다, 방해하다
* good 8 months: 여기에서의 good 은 '충분한, 상당한'의 의미