제 목 : Two thumbs up
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-03-23
파일  |     조회수  |   21493

Two thumbs up

May: What are you reading?
John: A book called "Behind the wall." It's John Gresham's latest mystery novel.
May: Is it any good?
John: Oh, It is awesome. Two thumbs up!
May: Really?
John: Definitely. I mean, I've always enjoyed his books, but this one is easily his best-written work.
May: Hum, I guess it must be really good, since you're usually very critical about books.
John: I really recommend you read this one. The story, structure, characters, and his unique writing style didn't make the book just great. It's excellent.
May: Great. I guess I'll read it after you.

* awesome: (속어) 근사한, 끝내주는, 굉장한
* Two thumps up! = I give it a thumps up. "최고다"라고 표현할 때 엄지 손가락을 올리는 데서 나온 표현.
* easily: (최상급이나 비교급을 강조하여) '확실히, 단연'이라는 의미.
* critical: 비판적인