제 목 : Interfering mother-in-law
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-03-27
파일  |     조회수  |   21402

Interfering mother-in-law
참견하는 시어머니

John: What's the matter, May? You seem depressed since you talked to your mom this morning. Is something wrong with her?
May: I think my mom has trouble being a mother-in-law.
John: What's the problem?
May: You know, my brother has been married for 3 years and they have 2 kids now. My sister-in-law is a full-time, stay-at-home mom. But my mom says that whenever she visits her house, she sees it's an unholy mess. There are papers, toys, clothes, and junk all over the house. And the kitchen has dirty dishes stacked everywhere.
John: So, what does she want to do about it?
May: Well, that's the thing. She really wants to help her by giving her some pointers but at the same time she's afraid that would make her look like an interfering mother-in-law.
John: Well, I understand how hard it must be for your mom to hold her tongue.
May: But I think the best way is staying out of it and keeping the relationship as it is.


* be depressed: 우울하다, 기분이 울적하다
* mother-in-law: 시어머니
* a full-time, stay-at-home mom: 전업 주부
* stack: 쌓이다
* do something about it: ~에 대해서 ~을 하다
* pointers: 구어로 지시, 암시, 힌트
* interfering: 쓸데없이 참견하는
* hold someone's tongue: 해야 할 말을 하지 않고 참다