제 목 : My friend is having a housewarming party
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-03-28
파일  |     조회수  |   21861

My friend is having a housewarming party
내 친구가 집들이 한대

John: My friend is having a housewarming party next Friday. Would you like to go?
May: Who's that?
John: Her name is Sarah and we used to go to an art institute together. She just got married.
May: Oh, she did!
John: I want to introduce you to all of my friends.
May: Sure. I would be delighted to meet them!

* A housewarming party : 집들이
* l used to ~ 했었다, ~하곤 했다 Used to + 동사 - 더 이상 하지 않고 있는 상태
ex) I used to play tennis in the morning. 전 아침마다 테니스를 치곤 했지요
* l just got married 방금 결혼 했다, 결혼한지 얼마 안된~