제 목 : You got it backwards.
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-04-02
파일  |     조회수  |   23269

You got it backwards.
네 말과는 정 반대던데.

Kris: Hey, John. Long time no see! How have you been doing?
John: Kris! Good to see you again. I've been busy. How about you?
Kris: I'm doing fine. I heard that you were preparing for your Master's degree. Is that right?
John: Yeah. After all, I realized that I'm not ready for a job yet. I don't think I could get a decent job with a B.A.
Kris: I think you got it backwards. A lot of people say that an M.A. is no use these days. You need something practical.
John: You know, everybody has different opinions when things are not going well.
Kris: I guess you have a point there.


* prepare for something: ~을 준비하다
* Master's degree: 석사학위 -- B.A (Bachelor of Arts) : 문학사
* decent: 적당한, 어울리는, 훌륭한