제 목 : Ignorance is bliss.
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-04-05
파일  |     조회수  |   22244

Ignorance is bliss.
모르는 게 약

May: John, do you happen to know where I put my small shopping bag when I got home yesterday?
John: Uh, I think you threw it away with the trash bag. Why are you looking for it?
May: Gee, I can't get my money back then.
John: Why? What's wrong?
May: You know, I bought this violet coat yesterday at this J.Vim shop.
John: Yeah, your coat is still in the closet. It looks so good on you. What about it?
May: I happened to stop by the shop again and the price was different from yesterday.
So I asked the clerk and she said it was a mis-tagged price
so I have to bring the receipt in order to get the balance back. It really pisses me off because now I can't find the receipt!
John: Oh, well. It seems there's nothing you can do about it then. Just forget about the price you saw today.
May: I wish I could do that too. Well, that's why it's said 'Ignorance is bliss.

* bliss: 더 없는 기쁨, 만족, 행복
* happen to: 우연히 ~ 하다, ~에게 일어나다
ex) Do you happen to know what time we have a meeting?
(우리 회의가 몇 시에 있는지 혹시 아세요?)
* shopping bag: 쇼핑 백 (우리 말 표현과 똑같죠?)
* throw away: ~을 던져 버리다, 버려 버리다, 허비하다, 낭비하다, 놓치다
Ex) He threw away the chance to go to Europe.
(그는 유럽에 가는 기회를 놓쳐버렸다.)
* get something back: ~을 되돌려 받다
ex) As I remember, he borrowed some money from me, but I think I didn't get my money back from him.
(내가 알기로 그 사람이 나에게서 돈을 빌렸는데,
나는 아직 돈을 돌려 받지 못했다.)
* violet: 보라색, 제비꽃 색
* look ~ on: ~에 ~하게 보이다.
* mis-tagged: (tag - 딱지, 꼬리표, 정가표) 잘못 표가 붙여진
* piss somebody off: 애 먹이다, 화나게 하다
Ex) I was pissed off by the waiter who was so impolite to me at the restaurant yesterday.
(나는 어제 음식점에서 나에게 너무 무례했던 그 점원 때문에 화가 치밀었다.)