제 목 : I'm Impulsive shopper.
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-04-09
파일  |     조회수  |   22443

I'm Impulsive shopper.
충동 구매를 어쩔 수가 없어.

John: Did you know that Patty and Sam got divorced?
May: Oh, no! When did it happen?
John: They've been separating for the last couple of months and finally decided to do it.
May: What was the problem?
John: You know, Patty is a compulsive shopper. I mean it's terrible. Everybody knows about it. She owns dozens of handbags and shoes. The problem is that she never even carries them or wears them.
May: And she still would buy them?
John: Yeah, so that's the problem. She is in the stores almost every day.
May: Oh, my god. Isn't it a kind of illness?
John: Apparently physicians say that impulsive behavior comes from depression.

* got divorced : ~와 이혼하다
* compulsive : 강제적인, 억지의, 강박 관념에 지배 된
* compulsive personality : 강박적인 성격
* illness :
* physicians : 의사 = doctor : 미국에서는 특히 여성들이 doctor라는 말 대신에 이 말을 선호함
* impulsive behavior : 충동적인 행동
* depression : 우울, 신경증, 억압적인 신경증