제 목 : It was a stand-out movie
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-04-10
파일  |     조회수  |   22804

It was a stand-out movie.
정말 걸작이죠

John: May, I know you like movies in general. But what's your least favorite kind of movie?
May: I would say, maybe a comedy movie like 'Dumb and Dumber'. It's not funny unless it's really well made. There are some good comedies like 'A Fish called Wanda.'
John: Oh, I saw that movie before and it was awesome.
May: Yeah, it was a stand-out. It was loads of fun to watch.
John: Well, What's your favorite film soundtrack?
May: What is this? A game of twenty questions or something?
John: No, I'm just curious all of a sudden. Just tell me.
May: All right. The original soundtrack of the movie 'Piano' is my favorite.
John: Uh-uh.

* unless : conj. …이 아니면, …하지 않는다면, …을 제외하고, …이외에는(if not, except that).
* Don't come ~ I tell you to. 오라고 하지 않으면 오지 말게.
* awesome : (속어) 아주 근사한, 굉장히 멋있는
* stand-out : <사물이> 두드러지다, 사람 눈에 띄다; <사람이> (…중에서) 뛰어나다, 걸출하다 (from, among …).