제 목 : People prefer dogs to cats hands-down.
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-04-16
파일  |     조회수  |   22720

People prefer dogs to cats hands-down.
개를 더 좋아하는 것은 어쩔 수 없는 기정 사실.

May: Aw, look at the kittens, they're so cute!
John: Cute? I can't stand those little monsters.
May: Why is that? They're adorable.
John: I don't like the way they look at me. It's something about their eyes.
May: Well, if you grew up with a cat as a pet, you might feel a little different. A lot of people in the states have cats, you know.
John: But I think most of people prefer dogs to cats hands-down. Besides, isn't a dog 'man's best friend'?
May: I guess you're right.

* kitten : 새끼 고양이 - 강아지 : puppy
* adorable : = cute, lovable 사랑스러운
* It's something about~ : ~에는 뭔가 특별히 ~한 것이 있다는 의미
* hands-down : 관용 표현으로 "without a doubt" ..논의할[두말할] 여지 없이, 문제 없이...힘들이지[노력하지] 않고, 쉽게, 수월하게