제 목 : You're no good at it.
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-04-19
파일  |     조회수  |   22518

You're no good at it.
넌 그 일엔 소질 없잖아.

John: Oh, my god. We're finally here! I'm never going to bring my car out again in bad weather like this. I could've gotten myself killed in the traffic!
May: Relax, John. It's just one of those days. We got here anyway. But we will make sure not to drive our car next time. Okay?
John: Okay. But you know the guy who kept cutting in front of me? I don't understand what he was thinking when we got into the tunnel. He changed lanes. It's so dangerous to do that in a tunnel.
May: Did he really? I didn't notice that.
John: Maybe I should have tried to stop his car.
May: Oh, no. I'm glad you didn't. You're no good at arguing. Now, forget about it.

* bring my car out : 차를 밖으로 가지고 나오다.
: 사람한테 쓸 때는 '(사람)를 데려오다' 의 의미
* I could've gotten myself killed: get someone(something) + have P.P: (이) ~되게끔 하다.
: 이 문장에서는 "교통이 막혀서 죽을 뻔 했다."의 표현
* It's just one of those days: 직역하면 "그런 날들 중의 하나"가 되므로 “그런 날도 있지."의 의미
* lane : 차선
* “You're no-fun." “넌 재미라곤 없는 친구야.”
* "It's no big deal."(“It`s nothing.") 아무것도 아니에요."
* "It's no go." "그건 안돼요.