제 목 : It cost me an arm and a leg.
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-04-20
파일  |     조회수  |   23328

It cost me an arm and a leg.
장난 아니게 비싸.

John: May, your hair looks great! What did you do to your hair?
May: Thank you. I'm glad you like it. I just got it straightened and had it bleached.
John: It really goes well with your eyes. How much did it cost to make your hair look that way?
May: Oh, it actually cost me an arm and a leg. Besides, I'm telling you, going to a hair shop is such a headache.
John: Really? I didn't know it was that expensive. How long does it usually take?
May: It would probably take about 3~4 hours if you have your hair permed. It's real boring because you have to just kill a lot of time until your hair is finished.

* get something + 동사원형: 사역 동사로써 '~을 ~하게 만들다'
(=have something + 동사 원형)
* cost an arm and a leg: (~의 비용으로) 팔과 다리가 들어가다
즉, 신체의 일부를 떼어주는 것과 마찬가지로 출혈이 크다 = 비싸다
* kill the time: 우리말로도 '시간을 죽이다'라고 하면 '~을 할 때까지 시간을 때우다'