제 목 : She thinks she's all that.
이 름  |     운영자 작성일  |   2012-04-27
파일  |     조회수  |   22936

She thinks she's all that.
그녀는 자기가 제일 잘난 줄 알아.

May : Hey, look. There's that girl Stephanie! Let me tell you, she's so annoying. She thinks she's all that!
John : Well, she graduated from Yale and her father is a millionaire. No wonder she thinks she's hot.
May : I can't stand her.
John : Me, neither. But I guess she can always get what she wants.
May : You're probably right. Maybe I envy her. Sometimes I wish I were in her shoes.
John : Don't think that way. She seems like a spoiled kid. Nobody likes a person who tells everybody what to do.

* annoying : 괴롭히는, 곤혹스러운, 귀찮은
* millionaire : 백만장자
* no wonder : (그것은) 당연하다, 놀랄 것이 못 되다
* stand : 견디다, 참다
ex) I cannot stand this hot weather. 이 무더위는 배겨낼 수가 없다.
* envy : 부러워하다, 시기하다
* in one's shoes : 남과 같은 입장에서, 남의 입장에 서서
* a spoiled child : 버릇 없는 아이